Sunday, August 24, 2014

Thought life

I am convinced that no Christian can enjoy an authentic God fearing lifestyle if he does not exercise godliness. The flesh is always against the spirit. The old self has to be crucified or else we will have no joy, no integrity, no right to preach repentance to all sinners.

In morality, compromise is surrender to the devil. We must be pure in our private thought life so that we can have a public voice to preach God's holiness.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Just because...

Just because I helped and smiled at someone, I believed I am a good person

Just because I don't believe in "sex before marriage", I thought I was more morally upright than others.

Just because I believe that there is God, I thought I was better than those who did not believe.

Just because I was close to achieving my own standards, I felt good about myself...

Until I came to understand and know who Jesus is, I realized that I cannot brag about anything.

My "goodness" is nothing compared to His goodness.

My morality is crap compared to His perfect holiness.

My faith in God is not worth comparing to His faith in God the Father.

My own standards in life is like building a sand castle by the seashore compared to a palace in a wonderful city.

I felt like a little kid who believes he is strong just because his muscles are sore from doing 10 push-ups for the first time in his life, until He met the Man who can lift up the weight of the world in His hands.

I pray that someday confessing  that Jesus is Lord is not as controversial or as complicated as saying that the color of milk is white. Everyone agrees.

No one can tell the color except through the eyes. No one can tell the sound except through the ears. No one can tell the smell except through the nose.

No one can say that "Jesus is Lord" except by the Holy Spirit. I pray that we choose God and not sin.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I'd rather be aware that I am inadequate and ask for God's help in everything consistently than think I am strong by my own effort and not recognize it is God who enables me to do absolutely everything in my life.

For a man to know that he is only a man and God is God is the most humbling experience a man can have.

Friday, August 1, 2014


Attend a funeral once a year to pause and contemplate your own life.

If it's true that we only live once, then that is not an excuse for us to do stupid "fun" stuffs. If we really are only to live once, we might as well get it right so that when it's our time,  we are ready.

Realize that in your own funeral, people will not be talking about how much you loved yourself but how much you loved the people around you.

Love. Be the reflection of the very nature of who created you. God is love.