Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wi-fi experience

Open letter to our small group "Evidence" and to all believers in Christ all over the world and to all those who do not believe. I am writing this to explain to you in simplest words why we believe with full confidence what we believe, why we believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit who leads us in to all truth. This is great stuff. Stay with me please. :)

I hope you enjoyed our first day as much as I did. I'm glad and encouraged to hear from all of you. When I was younger in my faith in Christ, before I had a good foundation in faith, I watched a debate between a born again Christian and a Muslim (who in the end admitted that he was once a Reverend Born-again Christian). The Christian was losing horribly at every point of the argument- the Bible, God, Jesus, everything.  Every time he failed to defend the Christian faith, I feel like my heart tears apart because at that time I am starting to really put my faith in God, Bible and Jesus stuff. It's hard to watch something you hold so dearly in your heart fall apart like that. While watching the debate, I was grieving so bad and I almost thought of converting to Islam right there and then. What was the point of clinging on to the Christian faith if it's not true? I would be deceiving myself only together with the other "deceived Christians" if that was the case.

I just wanted the truth. Because of creation and every thing else around me, I believe there is God. Now if there is God, it is evident that He knows more than I do. Unlike other atheists or agnostics, I have no confidence in trusting in my own understanding how to live life. I was willing to submit to some form of higher wisdom. I just wanted the truth, more than anything.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the Christian, Muslim, Jews, Buddhists, Hindu, atheists, agnostics, and people who don't care (who probably did not get to finish the very first sentence of this writing) I have a question for you-


I mean, what do you REALLY  know beyond a shadow of a doubt? What do you know? To the Christian, you say "Jesus is the Son of God, the only way to the Father." Ok, but how did you know? A lot of other people have different opinions about Jesus. To the Muslim, "There is no God except Allah; Muhammad is Messenger of Allah." Again, how did you know? To the Jews, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one." To the atheist, he might politely say, "Enough with the drama. We only have one life and that is now. We just have to love one another. We don't need God, in fact there is no God but I respect your beliefs." Thank you for the kind words but how did you know that?

You see, discussing these things will make you feel like you wanna throw your hands up in the air and say "It's complicated. We don't really know! Enough with the "competition". Just respect everyone's belief and live in peace with one another!" While I totally agree with respecting one another, I vehemently reject the belief that "we can not know for sure." I believe there is nothing complicated. It's just a question of whether we understand or not. If you understand, for sure you can simplify it. As Albert Einstein wisely stated, "Simplicity is the greatest sophistication."  Therefore let us simplify.

What do you know? Not the religious belief, nor politics nor science, nor anything "too sophisticated and heavy" to discuss. What do you know for sure? Pick one information you know is true and we will test the truth of that knowledge. Since we want to simplify these complicated things, let us pick YOUR NAME. The very first thing you want someone to believe when you formally meet them. Your name.

How did you know your name? If I chose not to believe your name, it does not change. Right? You might have been bored that is why you are in the "internet" right now. Internet, how did you know that this thing is called internet? You were thirsty and you drank "water". How did you know it's called water? How did you know that "tables" were called tables, "cellphones" were called cellphones, "food" called food. The list goes on. How did you know all these basic things? When did you start knowing these?

Dear human, you were born in this world with no knowledge, therefore no understanding. Do you remember your very first memory? You know your name because your parents told you so. You know that "tables" were called tables because that was what you were taught. You know things because someone else told you so. 

Every time we share an information, we don't realize that we have first placed our faith in that person who gave us the information. My name is Ananias (In other words, my name is Ananias because my parents told me so.) The weather is going to be awesome tomorrow! (because the weather app says so) This antibiotic is good for your infection (because the researchers, pharmacists say so). We do not know anything. We just put our faith in the person. In the natural realm, faith in the person precedes knowledge.

If I choose not to believe that cellphones, antibiotics, cars don't work just because I can't understand it, will it change anything? No. My belief will not change the reality.

Let us say someone who never had the luxury of technology comes to me and I gladly share with him what wi-fi is. He does not believe me and starts asking me questions down to the most intricate detail. I am defenseless because all I know about wi-fi is you plug it in, you connect and that's it. I can't fully explain it to him but I know for sure that it works, because I use it everyday. I experience it everyday.

My friends that's the kind of knowledge I want you to have about God, although you cannot fully explain it, yet you experience Him everyday. What good is our knowledge of how wi-fi works but we don't get to actually use it? What good is it if we can explain to the unbeliever what God is like if we ourselves don't enjoy Him everyday? Everything about God will not change just because the human heart fails to believe Him for who He is.

Now, how can we have faith that the Bible or the written Word of God and Jesus, the living Word of God is true? In the same principle we know what our name is- by pointing our finger to the authority. We know by pointing to the Holy Spirit. He is a person. He is the one who dwells in the believer when he humbles himself, repents and turns away from sin and declares with his mouth that Jesus is Lord and believes in his heart that God raised him from the dead. Anyone who does this is Heaven bound, safe from the judgment day.

You might say, I'm good with what I believe. Your faith works for you but I'm good with my comfortable life. My friend, I'm afraid you are in danger of the unpardonable sin- blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

31"Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. 32"Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come. (Matthew 12:31-32)

In plain words, we believe in Jesus not only because the Bible says so but because the Holy Spirit says so. Speaking against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. It seems to me that the more I speak in tongues, the more confidence I have in God.

And like the wi-fi experience, my Christian friend, I would rather have you experience our God everyday than trying to fathom His mysteries. So if unbelievers bring you down with their arguments, your faith will not fail. Instead, you just smile and say "I know God is true because I experience Him everyday." Then you are branded "crazy" before their faces. Do we care? No. When we truly love someone, we just don't care. We become stubborn. We love God back regardless of the consequence. He is infinitely more than worthy of our love.

The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

God increase,

Sunday, September 7, 2014

2 greatest commandments

The 2 Greatest Commandments of Christianity (in my own words):

1) You gotta WANT GOD, GOD, GOD more than anything, anyone else in your life. Your will to live is the god you worship. We obey because we love God back and not because we are forced or it is the moral thing to do. Obedience is the only sign that we love God. Talk is cheap. Faith without corresponding action is dead.

2) Realize that the worst and the best humans you know are just the same as you. You are no better than anyone. Love and treat everyone the same way you would do to yourself. Yes, as a Christian you are Heaven-bound but remember that your ticket is a gift to you. You cannot boast about it. All the glory goes back to God.

Love your enemies. If you only love those who love you, what good is that? Even sinners do that.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.”- Mark 12:30-31

I am preaching to myself... and trying to sleep.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Get up

When I was a toddler, I cry everytime I stumble and fall. I wait for someome to get me up and tell me to stop crying and just keep walking.

When I grew up, I just laugh when ever I stumble. With a smile, I get myself up quickly telling myself to be more careful next time.

When I was a toddler in my faith in Christ, I condemn myself whenever I fall into sin. I wait for others to encourage me and get me back up.

Now that I am grown up (and still a lot of growing up), IF I sin, I get back up right away, having no doubt that I am not condemned anymore, that God loves me not because I am a "good person" but because He knows how bad I can be but still loves me the same way.

I get up, and follow Him who says "Follow Me."

I praise God for His grace and mercy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

No brainer

I'm not gonna do ANYTHING my way anymore. I wanna do everything God's way. He loves me more than I love myself and He knows infinitely more than I do. So, I might as well let Him lead.

I acknowledge every good thing in my life coming from Him and every bad thing will be a story of His forgiveness and unconditional love.

Tonight, we sang "all I need is You, Lord" in church. I sang it not because those were the words flashed in the big screen but because I understand and I mean it. I'm saying "all I need is You, Lord" publicly and I will never be ashamed of my faith in Jesus. Neither shall you if you believe in Him. ;)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Thought life

I am convinced that no Christian can enjoy an authentic God fearing lifestyle if he does not exercise godliness. The flesh is always against the spirit. The old self has to be crucified or else we will have no joy, no integrity, no right to preach repentance to all sinners.

In morality, compromise is surrender to the devil. We must be pure in our private thought life so that we can have a public voice to preach God's holiness.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Just because...

Just because I helped and smiled at someone, I believed I am a good person

Just because I don't believe in "sex before marriage", I thought I was more morally upright than others.

Just because I believe that there is God, I thought I was better than those who did not believe.

Just because I was close to achieving my own standards, I felt good about myself...

Until I came to understand and know who Jesus is, I realized that I cannot brag about anything.

My "goodness" is nothing compared to His goodness.

My morality is crap compared to His perfect holiness.

My faith in God is not worth comparing to His faith in God the Father.

My own standards in life is like building a sand castle by the seashore compared to a palace in a wonderful city.

I felt like a little kid who believes he is strong just because his muscles are sore from doing 10 push-ups for the first time in his life, until He met the Man who can lift up the weight of the world in His hands.

I pray that someday confessing  that Jesus is Lord is not as controversial or as complicated as saying that the color of milk is white. Everyone agrees.

No one can tell the color except through the eyes. No one can tell the sound except through the ears. No one can tell the smell except through the nose.

No one can say that "Jesus is Lord" except by the Holy Spirit. I pray that we choose God and not sin.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I'd rather be aware that I am inadequate and ask for God's help in everything consistently than think I am strong by my own effort and not recognize it is God who enables me to do absolutely everything in my life.

For a man to know that he is only a man and God is God is the most humbling experience a man can have.

Friday, August 1, 2014


Attend a funeral once a year to pause and contemplate your own life.

If it's true that we only live once, then that is not an excuse for us to do stupid "fun" stuffs. If we really are only to live once, we might as well get it right so that when it's our time,  we are ready.

Realize that in your own funeral, people will not be talking about how much you loved yourself but how much you loved the people around you.

Love. Be the reflection of the very nature of who created you. God is love.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Number line

Those who know me from high school and college days most likely know that I always loved numbers.

Here I'm using the help from the world of numbers to illustrate an exceeding amazing spiritual truth about our Lord Jesus Christ. Stay with me.

In the middle of the number line is 0. Moving to the right and to the top we count positive numbers 1, 2, 3, 4..1000..10, 000, 1 million, 1 billion, 1 trillion, 1 x 10 to the power of 7, 1 x 10 to the power of 1, 000, 1 x 10 to the power of 1 million. The numbers go on. It is literally infinite. Beyond our intellectual grasp.

Moving to the left and the bottom is going to the negative numbers,  which is the same infinity as well. The pendulum swings equally on both directions.

Now, try measuring the length of that from point 0 to the infinity to the right. Can you? How about from the infinity left to the infinity right. Can you?  From infinity below to the infinity above. Can you measure it? You can't.

No one can because our 6 pound complex brain is finite, it cannot be completely trusted. We are finite. We are humans.

Now, when you acknowledge that someone loves you and you love them back, don't we normally love them back the way they do to us? That is if we really love them.

How is it then that we live in a church culture where a Christian says he loves Jesus but with seemingly no joy or enthusiasm about it at all? Does he really know the love of Christ? Does he really understand who Jesus is? Is he able to comprehend the love of Christ?

And if he does love Jesus, what in the world can shut him up? Don't we all get stubborn when we are truly in love?  We don't really care what people say, whether it is immoral or not to them. We just don't care. We love and it is when we love that we feel we are alive.

"For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."

We love Him because He loved us first.

To the unbeliever, I am talking about spiritual things here. God is Spirit and so we need the Spirit to understand Him. Eyes to see, tongue to taste, ears to hear, nose to smell, Spirit to understand the Spirit of God.

You can only have His Spirit if you confess your sins and trust Jesus as your Lord and that He saved you from your sins. There is more to this earthly life and somewhere within you is looking for that. Jesus is that door to eternity.

Don't be afraid of acknowledging Him in public or else He will not acknowledge you before our God the Father. Love Him back because He loved us first. The cross is the proof.

It's like the zero point. Wherever you are in your life, no matter how far you are on the negative or positive side, you are still within His number line. No one is far from God's reach. Do not harden your heart. He is just waiting for you.

Don't be scared, I would love to help you with this new found faith my friend.

God increase and i decrease,

Monday, June 23, 2014


Is it intolerant of me if I say I hope everyone put their faith in Christ?

If we were all in a building and Someone tells you that it will collapse and everyone inside will die and the only way to live is to get out of the building, isn't it that warning people about what's about to happen is the most loving thing to do to save them?

If they don't believe the warning, then they did not only reject you but also the one who gave the warning in the first place. It's not ignorance that will destroy them but their unbelief.

“God overlooked people’s ignorance about these things in earlier times, but now he commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to him. For he has set a day for judging the world with justice by the man he has appointed, and he proved to everyone who this is by raising him from the dead.” - Acts 17:30-31

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


If all we need is LOVE, I pray that everything be expressed out of love. Love expressed through forgiveness, wisdom, patience, gentleness, rebuke, correction, discipline, kindness, goodness, joy, peace, self-control, selflessness, giving, and all those nice things that we know; not because we want to feel good about our own goodness but because we choose to love one another.

I pray that of all people in this earth, the so-called "Christians" would be the ones to show what love is- in action, more than words. Since they proclaim that the GOD who created the heaven and earth IS LOVE.

If all we need is love and God is love, then God is all we need. We love God in return through our obedience to Him, not being forced but out of love. There is never a qualified excuse to disobey God and say that we love Him. God is not mocked. What we reap is what we sow.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Fun Fact:
Of all creatures in this world, it's interesting to note that humans are the only ones who can read. It's like the Creator of humans Himself, hinting that the more we read and understand, the more we become who we are created to be.

Another Fact:
The Bible, composed of 66 books is the best-selling, epic book ever BUT only very few actually read it. The amount of energy we exert in understanding what the Bible says is equal to our desire to understand who God is. God, who out of love created all of us and never intends any harm for us.

You can only know my thoughts through my words. Jesus is the Living Word of God. We can only know who God is through Jesus. Without Jesus, there will be no understanding of who the real God is and we make god according to our own taste and that is called religion, man attempting to reach God. I pray this should not be because God revealed Himself through Jesus. We do not create our own truth. We just need to understand it, and my friend you will be set free from your clouded thinking if you follow Jesus.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

There is a fruit.

To say that "you don't need God to do good" sounds to me like "the fruit can exist without the tree" or "there is a tree but it produces a different kind of fruit" which means "yes there is God but he is not good."

No one else is good but God.

Unbelievers do good things.
Yes that's true.
It is because humans are all created in God's image, unlike the other animals, we have moral accountability.

Now, doing good is not what will get us to where God wants us to be (Heaven). We all sinned and sin means death, separation from God.

We cannot buy our way back to God and so God reached out to us.

Man's attempt to please God is called religion.

God reaching out to man is called grace.

That is what exactly Jesus did when He became a man and suffered and died then resurrected for our sins. We can finally go back Home because our Lord paid the price for our sins.

Let this truth not depart from you my friends.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


We are not given a lifetime to know the truth. We are instead given a lifetime to decide daily whether we follow the truth or not. To carry the cross or not to. Knowing the truth and not following it is futile and evil. We must submit to it.

You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even demons believe-and tremble! Do you know that faith without works is dead?

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Oh my gosh! A kid accused me of literally not having a brain!

He said because I can't fully explain the complex structures and functions of how my 3lb brain works means I don't have a brain! I told him, "well we are having a conversation now which is an enough proof that I have a brain. Right???"

It was hopeless. He won't believe. He has a lot of questions, questions and questions. The more he asked, the more he made himself believe that he was right.

Now I was accused of believing in a "make-believe God" or the Trinity, just because I can't explain everything.

The more he asks, the more he thinks in his heart that he is smart.

But I pleaded with him,

"Please, I'm not even able to explain to you how my little 3lb brain works and now you are asking me how an Infinite God, who created not only my little brain but everything in Heaven and earth of what He is like? Well I can tell you a lot about Him but you won't believe me again. Right?"

I asked an obese patient if he was aware that exercise and diet would have saved him from obesity,  he looked offended when he answered "yes" but then he added, "well I just love to eat so get the f*ck outta here."

I asked the corrupt governor if he was aware that stealing is a sin. He looked offended as well, then said "I know. What the f*ck do I care? This is my life. We only live once. We gotta enjoy it to the fullest. I love my life. I don't care about people really. Can't you see it in my actions?"

I asked the prostitute while she was having sex with a customer that if she was aware that having sex just like that is a sin, she said, "F*ck you little kid. Don't talk to me about morals. I do good to other people. F*ck you twice! I love my life so I do what i wanna do. Come join us if u want. No one will find out. I'll do it for free."

Realize that people don't need facts. Humans are consumed by what he loves and surely he will reap the fruit of what he loves.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, this is to remind you that being a follower of Christ is not about answering all their questions about God. You can answer all their questions and have them fully convinced BUT in their heart they still love sin. Sin, when full grown, brings birth to death.

My Family, we are called to be witnesses, meaning we have experienced God. We have the confidence because we have His Holy Spirit in us giving us confidence as though we can literally see God. We have the Holy Spirit because we confessed our sins and accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

Only the Spirit can understand the Spirit of God. God is Spirit. No one is beyond the forgiveness of God. But why delay coming to Him?

Love the LORD our GOD with all our mind, with all our strength and with all our soul and with all our heart.

The life of faith in God is never about "to do's and not to do's" please let us get rid of that thinking.

"Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life."
- Lord Jesus


Monday, April 28, 2014


Man looks to God and see Him boring or uninteresting. He gazes upon the seemingly infinite galaxy and is overcome with amazement. "Wowwwww!!!" He says in his heart.

God looks to His created majestic heavenly bodies or galaxies and is quite unimpressed maybe because He sees it as limited, big yet very limited creation.

God looks at man and says "Wow. I can see Myself in that little creature, the only creation that I breathed My life into. I can see My Spirit in him. I have created an immortal being, made to be with me for eternity. I am determined to keep him with me as long as I live."

No wonder God stepped out of His throne when sin corrupted us and snatched us away from God's love. Praise Jesus.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Just sharing about what happened today:

My patient was sick, has stage 4 lung Cancer and was breathing via 100% nonrebreather mask. He has chest tube at right side as well. (In layman's term- he's really sick.)

Like what I usually do, I talk to my patients cuz i want to develop a more personal yet professional relationship with them, to make them feel that they are not another workload in my eyes but a person just like myself to be treated with respect the way I treat myself. That's how I see everyone- equal, maybe not all the time but mostly.

He was sick and I was already concerned with him although I don't personally know him. I had conversation with him:

Me: so, do you have any kids?
P: yeah..
Me: Cool. Are they coming to visit you?
P: No. I don't think so.
Me: How old are they?
P: 9 and 13.
Me: oh wow.

Cancer is no joke so I thought it would be very bad if he would pass away and leave his family like that.  Now I began to feel really more concerned. He was sick and here I am, confessing stuffs like "THERE IS NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD."

I know I can do more than giving meds and doing my nursing stuff. I claim to believe in a literally impossible God in an ordinary man's perspective. I do know that God is able to heal him. I have no doubt. So I thought of praying for him. I was reluctant because I normally don't do that. I usually say, "ill be praying for you." Go home, sleep then completely forget. I was tempted to do that but I was moved out of love. It is a sin for me not to do what is right if I knew what was right.

Being aware of how Americans are when it comes to God,  I closed the curtain and gathered my courage and asked him,

Me:I normally don't do this but do you want me to pray for your healing?
Patient: sure, if that helps.
Me: ok let's do it now.
Patient: nevermind. (Shook his head and put his oxygen back on)
Me: ok. (A little frustrated)

So I opened the curtain and asked, "just wondering, why did you not want it?" He said because he is not religious. I said "you don't really have to be religious to pray" in a little frustrated voice. (To believe in God is not to be religious if you can relate) "I'm not making you believe what I believe. It's just like I'm offering you your med. You know.."

If only he have prayed with me, beyond a shadow of doubt,  he would be healed, DEFINITELY not necessarily immediately. I was so confident that he will be healed that if it did not happen, the very first thing I would do when I get to Heaven is tell God that He lied about it. I just know. I just have full confidence that he would be healed. The diagnosis or word from the doctors would have been easily overriden by the Word of God saying "I can heal Him and I am willing." He created us and able to do all things.

He did not have to believe in it. My faith alone would have been more than enough to be honored by God. If we prayed, he would have been healed and his case would have made it to the "miracles or unexplainable wonders in medicine" stuff. My intention was good and selfless (by God's grace). I wasn't even gonna tell him to believe what I believe. I just want him healed because I'm concerned and I love him.

But he refused.

Because he is not religious.

Now I understand and respect that. The Bible nowhere says to force my belief in other people. I present God as who He is and it is up to people to believe or not. Praise God if you believe, if not praise God for His patience and mercy. Whatever the situation is I praise God.

I am just concerned that by saying "I am religious and I have a different spirituality. I just don't wanna talk about it.", I'm afraid that we are making a god out of our own idea just because it is convenient for us. We don't wanna talk about it because we will immediately find out how weak our belief is and that is inconvenient. We normally don't want inconvenience. Not in this pampered country especially.

The 1st commandment is not to have other gods before Him. God reveals Himself. He does not want us to guess what He is like. That's why we have the Bible. I personally don't want to form an idea of who you are. I could be wrong. I would be most likely wrong. I have to talk to talk to you and know you personally. Same with God. We need to know Him personally and we can.

Now there is an increasing persecution of Christians here in USA and I praise God for that. I believe that persecution is the missing ingredient of church growth.

I'm hearing that a Christian would get in trouble for sharing the gospel which is the message of God's love reaching out to us by forgiving our sins. To reject the gospel or Jesus is to reject God's love.

Don't be surprised then my friends if I ever go to prison for my faith. It is my Master's promise that the world will hate me for His name's sake. I am not afraid.

I fear God and not man. I am not of this world. When I die, I'm going Home. To be alive and share Christ or to die and be  with Him- either way I am in a win-win situation. Praise God.

Friday, April 25, 2014


The problem is not that man doesn't know the truth but he does NOT WANT to know it because he is living conveniently in his own belief.

A simple evidence would be how easily we violate or do the things we are not supposed to do just because it's easier and more convenient for us.

Truth sets us free from our own wrong thinking.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Almost hired

One day the employer of the job I was applying for finally told me,
"Congratulations. You're hired!" with a big smile.

I smiled too and shook my head saying "Thank you. I trust you but I don't trust your word." I thought I made sense. So silly me, I didn't get the job that's freely offered to me.

I told my friend, don't fear death because God promises through Jesus that you will have eternal life with Him. Bible is God's written word.

My friend smiled and shook his head saying "I believe God but I don't believe in the Bible and Jesus." He thought he was making sense.

Now I am praying for you my friend. I pray this will open your understanding.

Monday, April 21, 2014


How can I condemn any sinner, if in my heart and in my mind, I have done things they have done?  Praise God for His mercy, grace and second chances. Praise Jesus for the Blood.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

"Heaven is for real" thoughts

Some thoughts about "Heaven is For Real" movie

I write this hoping that "all men everywhere to repent or change their minds and leave their past sins
Remember when you said you were gonna do something but you never got it done because you kept delaying it? It would have been better if you did it right away.

The story is based on a true story about Colton, a 4 year old boy who went to heaven and had an encounter with Jesus. (Trailer: (Colton Interview:
"I learned that heaven is for real and you're gonna like it."- Colton

The thing that amazes me the most was not the actual experience of Colton going to Heaven. I do not envy that either. For sure, I will see my Master Jesus Christ. It is just a matter of time and He is coming quickly, as He said ""Surely I am coming quickly." (Revelation 22:20) Knowing this, I will always be prepared, making the most of every opportunity to present Christ to everyone.

The thing that amazes me is that maybe, from God's perspective, it was necessary for Him to show us visions or actual, real experiences of people going to Heaven. It seems like His Written Word is not enough. We are so earth-bound, caught up with our physical senses that we ignore the truth that when God created us, He breathed His Spirit to us. We are way more than physical beings.

How do you get to know a person? Through lots and lots of pictures on facebook or instagram? How do you get to know your friend? Again, through pictures and pictures and pictures? No. You get to know someone as you talk to them. Right? You actually get to know someone as you talk to him. Having the actual picture or painting of Jesus will not really help us understand who He is.

Same with God, we get to know Him through His Word. I get it. I sound mentally retarded or I sound like I am wishing that there is a "God up there." I am not making it up. The moment I received Jesus as Savior, His Spirit is in me. That's how we get to know God. Through His Spirit, Written Word of God, the Bible will finally make sense and Jesus, the Living Word of God will finally become real to us personally.

Eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to taste, skin to touch and Spirit of God to understand God Himself. Hope that makes sense my friend.

Now, whether this was a true experience or not, those who choose not to believe will still always find reasons not to believe.
"He (Jesus) said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'"- Luke 16:31

I personally believe that Colton's experience was real and he has convincing evidence to back it up.It says in the Bible: "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."- Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17

What surprised me was he actually saw Jesus' face plainly and was able to describe and agree with another child, the prodigy Akiane Kramarik's depiction of Jesus' face.
"on the evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be confirmed."- Deuteronomy 19:15

"Today when you hear his voice, don't harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled."- Hebrews 3:15
Remember when you said you were gonna do something but you never got it done because you kept delaying it? It would have been better if you did it right away.

Can we sing "We will rock you?" :)

Heaven is for real thoughts

Some thoughts about "Heaven is For Real" movie

I write this hoping that "all men everywhere to repent or change their minds and leave their past sins
Remember when you said you were gonna do something but you never got it done because you kept delaying it? It would have been better if you did it right away.

The story is based on a true story about Colton, a 4 year old boy who went to heaven and had an encounter with Jesus. (Trailer: (Colton Interview:
"I learned that heaven is for real and you're gonna lie it."- Colton

The thing that amazes me the most was not the actual experience of Colton going to Heaven. I do not envy that either. For sure, I will see my Master Jesus Christ. It is just a matter of time and He is coming quickly, as He said ""Surely I am coming quickly." (Revelation 22:20) Knowing this, I will always be prepared, making the most of every opportunity to present Christ to everyone. The thing that amazes me is that maybe, from God's perspective, it was necessary for Him to show us visions or actual, real experiences of people going to Heaven. It seems like His Written Word is not enough. We are so earth-bound, caught up with our physical senses that we ignore the truth that when God created us, He breathed His Spirit to us. We are way more than physical beings. 

How do you get to know a person? Through lots and lots of pictures on facebook or instagram? How do you get to know your friend? Again, through pictures and pictures and pictures? No. You get to know someone as you talk to them. Right? You actually get to know someone as you talk to him. Having the actual picture or painting of Jesus will not really help us understand who He is.

Same with God, we get to know Him through His Word. I get it. I sound mentally retarded or I sound like I am wishing that there is a "God up there." I am not making it up. The moment I received Jesus as Savior, His Spirit is in me. That's how we get to know God. Through His Spirit, Written Word of God, the Bible will finally make sense and Jesus, the Living Word of God will finally become real to us personally. Eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to taste, skin to touch and Spirit of God to understand God Himself. Hope that makes sense my friend.

Now, whether this was a true experience or not, those who choose not to believe will still always find reasons not to believe.
"He (Jesus) said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'"- Luke 16:31

I personally believe that Colton's experience was real and he has convincing evidence to back it up.It says in the Bible: "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."- Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17

What surprised me was he actually saw Jesus' face plainly and was able to describe and agree with another child, the prodigy Akiane Kramarik's depiction of Jesus' face.
"on the evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be confirmed."- Deuteronomy 19:15

"Today when you hear his voice, don't harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled."- Hebrews 3:15
Remember when you said you were gonna do something but you never got it done because you kept delaying it? It would have been better if you did it right away.

Can we sing "We will rock you?" :)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dark room

We can all easily stumble if we are in a dark place. You cannot blame anyone for stumbling like that. You can turn on the light though and help the man see but I'm afraid that he might have learned to love darkness more than the light.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter bunny

The patient finally died.
(Family crying)
(Staff comforting the family..)

Nurse: I'm sorry for your loss. He must be in a better place now.

Family: better? Where? In heaven? How do you know??

Nurse: (hesitant) yes. In Heaven.

Family: how do you know?

Nurse: ahmm because God is nice and if there is really a God then we must all go to Heaven. Right?

Family: You seem to be unsure. We need the confidence ro believe that he must be in a better place now or else you're just comforting me with your nonsense wishes. You're not even sure. Just leave us here and let us mourn. Thank you for trying.

Before I worked in the hospital or went to school, I inquired how to get there. They sent me instructions. I went by instructions and did what they told me to get in the school or work. I did not do it my own way or idea. I did what they told me to.

You will die. I will die. We all will.
To get to Heaven is pretty much like applying for work. You do what they tell you to get in. How?

If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
-Romans 10:9

If sin was not so serious, then God would not bother come down to earth and die for our sins. He could have said something like: "LOL you sinned but that's alright. Jk #cometoheavenwithme #sinisfun #nojudgmentforanyone #followme"

No. God did not compromise with sin. He defeated it. He defeated death. So is the promise to anyone who would accept Christ in to His life.

Yes my friend. He is alive.

"I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades." -Revelation 1:18

This is Easter. Let us celebrate the confidence that we have eternal life after this earthly life. It is a gift. Take it.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Human body

To have all human body parts present does not qualify anyone to be alive. The body parts could be their but lifeless if there is no blood circulating.

The Body of Christ  (Church) can be all physically present but remain dead if the Word of God or Blood of Christ is not "circulating." 

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."- 1 Thessalonians 5:11
"Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith."- Galatians 6:10

No trust

My friend, do not be offended if I tell you that I don't trust you. I don't even trust myself either but God alone. I could have easily ruined myself if I put my trust in my own thinking. So, cheer up, we're cool.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Our Master spoke once but His voice echoes to all eternity. Anyone who is of God hears His words. Everyone who is of the truth hears His voice. His sheep listen to His voice; He knows them and they follow Him.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Sabi ni Rizal

Ang taong hindi marunong magmahal sa sariling wika ay higit pa sa mabaho at malansang isda sabi ni Rizal. Hindi niya sinabing masamang paghusayin ang sarili sa ibang wika. Siya mismo ay mahusay sa napakaraming lenggwahe. Astig eh, talagang makapangyarihan ang pluma at papel.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Ikaw ang iyong salita. Kung di mo kayang tuparin ang salita mo, paano ka mapagkakatiwalaan? Paano mo rin mapagkakatiwalan ang sarili mo?

Ang Dios ay ang Kanyang Salita. Kung ano ang ugali mo sa pagtrato sa kanyang Salita o Biblia, yun din ang siguradong trato mo sa Kanya. Kung ayaw mo nun, pwede kang gumawa ng sarili mong Dios sa sarili mong ideya. May problema nga lang, gawa-gawa lang ang Diyos na yun at niloloko mo lang ang sarili mo.

Ginawa tayo ng Diyos at hindi kabaliktaran- hindi tayo ang gumagawa ng Dios sa sarili nating kagustuhan o ideya. Hindi natin kayang baguhin ang katotohanan pero kaya nating baguhin ang ating sarili- at iyon ay higit na mabuti.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


If we were all created as unique as our fingerprints, then we can all make difference in this world as unique as we are. The reason you don't see yourself making it happen is probably because you don't know who you really are.

Our Spirit is greater.

Gather Satan, Beelzebub and all the fallen angels in my room and they still have no chance of touching me because "He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world." (1 John 4:4)


Most of us say we want stronger faith in God. That's good, but for what? So we can feel better about ourselves? So we can stand out in the crowd because of our "greatness"?

What good is the beauty and strength of a bodybuilder if you are struggling carrying your grocery and he's not willing to help because he's busy taking care of his "muscle thing"?

What good is your faith and love if you are not willing to help your brother or friend in need? The whole law is summed up in this command: "love your neighbor as yourself."

The dead

The dead does not know he is dead. So is the soul that says he does not need Christ. He does not know that he is dead spiritually. Praise God though for His patience and mercy. God will breathe life to any dead spirit who is willing to confess that Jesus is Lord.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Angel and Deeman

Nangyari na naman ang pinaka ayokong parte ng buhay ng isang tao.-Ang mamatayan.
Ok lang sakin at mas katanggap-tanggap pa ang pakiramdam na mabasted at ilang ulit na sabihan ng “let’s be friends” ng babaeng kinababaliwan ko, murahin ng magulang o ng tatay ko dahil sa paulit-ulit na pagkakamali ko, bumagsak sa quiz kahit na nag-aral ako ng mabuti o mas matindi pa, bumagsak ng isang taon dahil sa hindi pagsunod ng instruction, madapa sa harap ng maraming tao, pagtawanan, laitin, mga ganung klaseng bagay. Ok lang para sakin. Wag lang ang mamatayan. Wala akong kontrol sa ganung bagay, at lahat ng normal na tao, naniniwala ako, ayaw ng ideyang wala silang kontrol.

Sa tingin ko kahit kelan, di ako masasanay sa lungkot na mamatayan. Bawat isang mawala sa buhay mo, may kakaibang kirot. Kasing kakaiba, kasing unique ng buhay nila sa iyo.

Napakatamlay, hinang-hina, di kumakain at umiinom, constipated, nagsusuka ka na at alam ko ng mamamatay ka deeman, pero wala akong ginawa. Alam ko na, wala namang ginawa. Walang kwenta.

Alam kong walang kwentang balikan ang nakaraan at magself- pity dahil di ko naman kayang ibalik yung tapos nang mangyari. Pero sa tingin ko, makakatulong din naman na “pag-aralan” o maging kritikal ako sa bagay na ‘to. Para maiwasang mangyari ulit. Normal ngang mamatayan ng alagang aso pero di ibig sabihin na ok lang yun at basta na lang babale-walain na lang.

Bakit ka nga ba namatay?
Sinong may kasalanan? Ikaw ba? Kasalanan mo ba kung halimbawang isang linggo kitang hindi pinakain ng dogfood? Kasalanan mo bang kainin yung maruming basura na para sayo ay masarap na kahit ganun kabaho eh,... ewan ko ba sa inyong mga aso kung anung marumi yun pa gusto. Wala ka kasing alam eh. Ilang beses na kong naghealth teaching pero di mo maintindihan ang human language namin. O naintindihan mo at sarap na sarap ka lang talaga sa basura? Iww. anu ba lasa nun? Pinapakain ka naman ng maayos. Di talaga mabuti ang labis na pagnanasa ng pagkain (o basura sa kaso mo). Natuto ka ba? Malamang hindi. Di mo nga ata alam na patay ka na eh. May natutunan ka ba sa loob ng 261 days mo dito sa planet earth? Ako may natutunan sayo at salamat.

Ako, na tao ang responsable sayo bilang amo mo, pagpumalpak ako, ikaw ang kawawa. Parang hawak ko ang buhay mo. Parang ako ang Diyos mo. Parang lang. Diyos pa rin naman ang may hawak ng buhay ng lahat ng nilalang. Pero, ipinagkatiwala ka sa akin at namatay ka. Sino ulit ang sisisihin? Ang Diyos dahil pinagkatiwalaan niya ako? Syempre hindi. Mukhang malinaw na na ako ang salarin. Mukhang ang dahilan ng pagkamatay mo eh may malalim na pinag-ugatan. Nagi-guilty na ako. Mukhang ang dahilan ng pagkamatay mo eh may malalim na pinag-ugatan. Nagi-guilty na ako.
(Masyado na akong nagiging kritikal. Baka hanggang dito na lang ang basahin mo dahil di nakakatuwa ang mga pinagsasabi ko. baka lang ah. di kita hinuhusgahan.)

Nag-iwan ka pa ng problema, (o ako ang gumawa ng problema?)
anlaki mong shih tzu (crossbreed kasi ng shih tzu at japanese spitz) di ko lam kung saan ka dapat ilibing. Walang lupa dito sa dapitan na pwede mong paglibingan. Ibinalot ka na lang namin sa plastic bag ng basura. Nagmukha kang letson na nakabalot sa plastic. Nakakatawa pero di ako natawa. Nagrigor mortis ka na. Alam mo yun? Yun yung tawag kapag nanigas na yung patay. Ganun yung nangyari sayo. Ok? Idagdag mo yun sa bokabularyong mga itinuro ko sayo.

"Itapon na lang yan sa ilog." Sabi ng gwardiya sa baba. Yung kaharutan mo minsan. Siya yun.
'Langya! Seryoso ba siya? Nagpapatawa ba siya? Papayag ka ba nun na itapon ka sa ilog? Malamang di mo alam kung anu ang tama at mali kasi aso ka at wala kayong konsepto nun. Amoral kayo. Kaming tao, kumplikado ang buhay namin. Hayop ka kasi kaya excused ka. Pero siya tao siya, na nag-iisip (Sana lang). Tama bang itapon ka na lang sa ilog ng basta basta lang at mabulok, uurin, maging kalansay? Bad trip. Nanahimik na lang sana siya para napagtakpan niya ang katangahan niya. Nadagdag na naman siya sa listahan ng soooobrang daming tao na tagumpay na naipakita ang kanilang angking talino sa pag-ere ng kanilang palpak na ideya. At dahil di niya alam na palpak siya, proud pa siyang sabihing "Itapon sa ilog." Wow naman pare. Alaga namin yun. Inalagaan ko yun. At di siya dapat itinatapon. Kaya sa mga nagbabasa nito, learn from me. Minsan makakatulong talagang manahimik na lang. Learn to hold your tongue. Kapag di ka sigurado sa ideya mo, wag mo na ipagmalaki pa. Baka mai-blog pa kita.

"Ilagay na lang sa plastic, tapos itapon na lang natin sa truck ng basura mamaya pagdating." Isa pang badtrip na suggestion. Pero mas mukhang yun ang gagawin namin, at yun nga ang ginawa namin. Mabigat sa kalooban ko talagang itapon siya. Itapon. Wahhh.. Mabigat na desisyon talaga yun. Gusto ka sana naming ilibing sa North Cemetery pero kaming mga tao lang daw pwede dun. Saan pa ba pwede? Hmmm.. No choice. sa basurahan na lang talaga. Sa bagay, wag ka na rin mag-inarte. Mas mabaho ka pa kaya sa basura. Alam mo ba kung anu yung amoy mo nun? Nung inurong ko katawan mo, duguan ka. Mas masangsang pa sa bulok na isda. Sobra. basta. Di ako magaling magdescribe pero kung nursing student ka, i-reminisce mo na lang yung mabahong amoy na naamoy mo at yun na yun. ok?

Ayun na nga. Dumating na ang truck ng basura. Ikinwento lang sakin ni ate hyd at ikinukwento ko lang sayo para alam mo kung anu nangyari sa katawan mo. Kunwari buhay ka pa. Kunwari meh kaluluwa ka rin tulad naming mga tao. Ayun.
"Ilang araw ng patay to?"-sabi ng gutom na basurero. gutom kasi..
"Isang araw pa lang"- sabi ni ate hyd na busog naman. kasi.. mukha ng busog ang tiyan niya. hihi
"Pwede pa to." Syempre ang sumagot ay yung basurero.
"Pwede pang ano?" alam mo na kung sino sumagot.
"Dalawa lang naman ang pwedeng puntahan niyan eh. Sa basurahan o kakainin."-yan ang sabi ng gutom ng basurero. Kaya nga nasabi kong gutom siya. O talagang nang-aasar lang siya? Kung iisipin mo nga naman, sobrang naghihirap sila. basurero eh. Di rin naman nila sigurong gugustuhin na kumain ng mga ganung pagkain kung may kaya sila gaya mo na nagfefacebook ngayon. Di nga ata nila alam itong facebook eh.

Kung anuman yung dahilan niya kung bakit gusto niyang kainin, at least honest siya. At nagpaalam pang kakainin niya ang aso namin. Ok eh noh? parang sinabi niyang "Kakainin namin yan mamaya. Wala ka ng magagawa."
Buti na lang, sooobrang baho mo na deeman. Di na nila kinaya. Bwahahahaha!!! Apir! Kahit basurero eh umurong din sayo.
"Ay may amoy na. Di na pwede." Take note sa ginamit na salita: "may amoy na" parang balewala lang.
Sana lang talaga di ka nila kinain. Sana.

Ayun. Di ko na alam kung anung ikukwento. Speaking of kain, kinain mo ang oras ko nung Monday. Monday ng umaga ka namatay. Mas masaya sana ang araw na yun kung di ka namatay. Birthday ni Dotskie nun at Sports Connection ng YLSC nun. Call time 8 am. 7am ako nagising at ang bungad na bati sakin ni ate hyd:
"G, wala na si deeman."

Blanko lang isip ko. Napaisip. Maya-maya naiyak na. Sandali ka lang nabuhay, pero wala naman sa tagal ng pinagsamahan yun. Champion na naman si immortal angel. Alive since December 10, 2000. Magte-10 years na siya. Payat nga siya pero malakas naman. Konti kumain pero matibay. Di tulad mo. Lakas lakas kumain deadz naman agad. wooh. panis ka hehe
(Dalawa aso namin. Si Angel at si Deeman, ako si Dan Brown. hehe)

Nakakalungkot. Akala ko pa naman sabay natin ise-celebrate birthday nating dalawa sa December 13. Naiimagine ko pa naman sarili natin na nagjajamming sa pizza party. Habang may suot na Happy Birthday na cap na pambata. Cute. Di bale, ikakain na lang kita ng pizza at magtitirik ako ng kandila sa birthday natin. Sayang. Di na kita makikita ulit. Kamukha mo sigurado meron, pero iba ka pa rin.

I've just learned another paradox in life. I won't ever get used to this. More of my loved ones will be taken away. I'd be prepared. I'll spend more time with them. I hate to mourn but it's part of life. We are all aware that we are going to die. We just don't know when. That thought makes me cling on to what is good, to do what I believe is right. To take life's decisions seriously yet enjoying every detail of it. Laugh a lot. Don't hold grudges against anyone. Love. Don't give it up. You give up loving, you give up life. And that's even worse than dying. This life is intended by God to be lived with love. Life. Love. Lord. You have no God in your life, you have no love but false love. Cling unto what is true.

So be grateful man. Life is short. Live well. Know your purpose. Your life, if unexamined, is not worth-living.

O God, remind me that my days are fleeting away. I've been living for about 21 years but my memories are all shadows. They're no different from my dreams. You created me, therefore you alone know why you created me. Pour out your thoughts on me. I praise you for coming into me and giving me an abundant life. The Lord gave and the Lord take away. Let the name of the Lord be praised. :)

The truth shall set you free.

"The truth shall set you free."
Free from what? Free from the deceptive thinking that we are correct just because we think we are. Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion but not their "own truths."

(You can read John 8:31-36 for better understanding.)

My friends are atheists.

i admire atheists. Not for not believing in God but by being honest in their belief. By showing that at some point in their life, they thought about God and made a stand for what they believe. Unlike some church goers who say they believe in God but do not act like they do. 

If we can learn to have the kind of attitude to discuss sensitive topics like this, we will all grow to be better thinkers. We will learn more about world and about who we are.

If you are an atheist, I as a Christian would love to discuss this matter with you. Not to point out who's wrong or right or who's better or not. That's not the point and there is no such thing as a better person.

If we talk, it's either i can make you a stronger atheist (which perhaps you will like) or will make you a believer. Whatever faith anyone holds in the end, we deserve to be respected by each other.  Our beliefs are who we are in our core being. I will respect your beliefs and i thank you for respecting mine too.

We can still live in peace and with respect for each other. Let us make that happen not by believing we are better than anyone but by embracing each other's differences (not necessarily agreeing with their belief)


Human intellect is great but it is not what we need in understanding God. We need the Spirit. In the same way we don't smell the colors or see the taste of food, we need the Spirit to know God. No wonder anyone who tries to know God intellectually fall away from Him and consider it foolishness. That is exactly what the Bible says.

"The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit."- 1 Corinthians 2:14

Therefore a person who does not believe in God and the one who does can be equally mentally skilled and totally opposite in their views of God. Again, we need the Spirit. Makes sense? If you are an unbeliever and this does not make sense to you, again, I understand. Peace!

Nobody is perfect.

"Nobody is perfect. i am not perfect." says everybody. We talk like we sincerely mean this until someone comes up to us and tells us what is right, we are easily offended. We delay learning the truth by doing this. We all have blind spots in our beliefs and perception of things. Nobody sees the whole picture. If you would help me figure out what my blind spot is, i would thank you for that. Nobody is perfect. i am not perfect. 

"For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights."- Proverbs 3:12
"The fear of the LORD is he beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." - Proverbs 1:7


If we say we are going to do something, we must do it quickly before we forget and become liars. 

"But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation."- James 5:12 

i, myself am guilty of this. If our words can not be trusted, then what good are we? We are quick to condemn others for not doing what they say they will but how about ourselves? We must be always aware of the things that come out from our mouth.

no shame

Oh yes, i am not ashamed of my faith in Christ. Not because I want to make an impression to anyone that i am holier or better in anyway. 

No, the exact opposite is true, I admit that i am a sinner and in need of God the Savior. I admit that my own understanding and wisdom is no good compared to God. I admit that I cannot genuinely love anyone if it was not for God's love Himself flowing through me.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." - 2 Corinthians 5:17
"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."- 1 John 4:8

I don't need God to do good...

"I don't need God to do good, to be happy, to succeed in life and treat others nicely." says a common man. 

Although I am a Christian, I respectfully agree with that statement. 

We do good because whether you believe in God or not, it doesn't change the truth that we are created in His image. He is good. We can make money without praying if we are determined and do the right thing. The difference is, as a Christian, I understand and acknowledge that it is God who is at work, who gives, whether we acknowledge Him or not.

He does not start to bless us when we start believing Him. He has been blessing us already even before we pay attention to Him. As a Christian, being deeply aware of His works and love even before I commit myself to Him, I can not help but humble myself and praise Him.


i'm a man. i'm tough. i'm not afraid. i won't back down. i won't accept defeat, not even the thought of it. there's nothing i can't conquer. i'm relentless. no mountain can block my way. i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

The apple exists.

So I finished eating my apple one day, when this girl told me that the apple did not exist at all and I did not eat it. Of course I knew she was wrong because I really experienced eating the apple. Some people were swayed and believed her because her argument seemed to make sense. People nowadays say that Jesus is not real and you cannot experience Him. They have good arguments that seemed to make sense. Of course I knew they were wrong because I really experienced knowing Him.

success to me

After careful thinking, I determined that my definition of success is the continuous loving and deepening relationship I have with God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Everything else will follow- my financial independence in the future, wisdom, development of my character from a forgiven sinner to a character that reflects God's character, good relationship with friends and families, good health, cool material things that God would entrust me and all those beautiful things that God had always wanted to give us. Then I will die someday then I will finally go Home to where I am adopted. So yeah, either way is a win-win situation for me. It's full of hope if you can relate.

Reaction to the lost gospels

Reaction to ”The Lost Gospels”

Who is Jesus Christ?

This may seem to be a trivial, uninteresting, boring question to some (or most perhaps). But to anyone who made statements like “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” “I and the Father are one.” “Your sins are forgiven.” “Before Abraham, I was.” and all those claims of divinity, one must seriously consider who that person really is. Was he just a liar for making such claims if he knew they weren’t true or a lunatic or was he simply saying the truth and therefore he is the Lord? 

I’ve read the four gospels in the New Testament already and I personally believe it with all my heart. Although I’m not a theologian or anything like that, I’m ready to make a defense of my faith, the very reason of my choice of existence.

The Gospels of Thomas, called Didymus, Peter, Philip and Mary Magdalene as well as the other gospels which were not presented in the documentary like gospel of Judas caught my attention. One thing is certain for those gospels: they existed. Therefore, the question regarding were they really authentic and not plagiarized should be answered truthfully. Of course, I, being a deeply-rooted believer of the Bible am expected to reject anything that is not in accordance with the teachings of the Bible, such as these gospels. 

I surfed through and to have additional insights regarding these lost gospels. As expected, they (or we) regarded it as heretical. From what I’ve read, there weren’t proof that those were really authorized by Thomas, Philip and Mary Magdalene. Its first writings according to scholars were dated within 4th Century unlike the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John which were written between 50 AD and 100 AD, making the four gospels more reliable than the “lost gospels”. In addition to that, it wasn’t new to me to hear such documents for there were heresies from the start of Christianity.

I believe that the gospels in the New Testament are sufficient documents. I believe that the canonization of the books of the New Testament was guided by God and not for selfish gain of any man. Though we may never really know what exactly happened, we can choose which to believe. We are not historians and even if we were, I believe historical facts are not enough to build the foundation of our faith. I believe truth is one but falsehood is manifold. Truth is a mystery. Only those with hearts with dedication of knowing the truth will truly find it. As the LORD promised in Jeremiah 29:13-14 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the LORD, and in Jeremiah 31:33-34 "This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time," declares the LORD. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."

It’s encouraging and liberating to know that you can really know the truth but how difficult and confusing the journey of knowing it is so hard. For now, this is my reaction. There is so much I would like to share but little time to do it. As I conclude, I’d like to share my conviction- that I believe in Jesus Christ not because of the compelling reasons or evidences to believe it but because I believe the Spirit testifies to me that it is the truth.

I do pray that all those who want to know the truth will come to know Jesus Christ. For he himself has said, “I am the Truth.” From then on, we will embark the journey of knowing the truth.