Sunday, March 23, 2014

"Dinner is ready. Are you gonna eat or what?"

Normally every night, my mom would let me know if dinner is ready. (Aww.. i'm a grown man and still relying on mom's cooking. not cool.)

-Start of the story-

Mom: "Dinner is ready."
Me: "Alright. Thanks mom!" (Then i sing the "thank you mom" song, salamat nanay salamat nanay salamat nanay! lol)
and then we eat together.

-End of story.-

That was a very deep and powerful story wasn't it? Did you get the meaning behind that ordinary scene? Probably not. Let me help you understand:

"Dinner is ready."
A natural man would acknowledge that yes, there is God and he is content with that knowledge alone hoping that he will be saved in the end if ever there really is a judgment day. Maybe he has an idea that God is good and He will save him because after all, he believes he is good in his own standards at least. He kinda believes he is better than the sinners around him. He KNOWS THERE IS GOD AND IS CONTENT WITH THAT KNOWLEDGE ALONE. (No action involved, just knowledge that there is God.)

..and then we eat together...

A natural man, since being content of the knowledge of existence of God (existence of food) will normally not seek God (eat the food)  and understand what the existence of God really means in his day to day life and he's ok with that.  Again, it is because HE IS CONTENT, DOES NOT WANT ANY CHANGE IN HIS LIFE. (You know what i'm saying? He's just chilling.) 

In the same way, faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead.- James 2:17

Now, what good is the food if we didn't eat it? It's useless. If I keep on being content of the idea that there is food and not eat it all the rest of my life, I will die soon. If I acted like the natural man, how would I get physical nourishment? In the same way, how can we be nourished spiritually if we don't eat the spiritual food? How can we be nourished if we don't seek God and understand Him through His Word? (Yes His Word I said because He talks.)

Aren't all humans from one Creator? Regardless of anyone's belief, it does not change the truth. The Master Jesus Christ Himself said, 
"It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" (Matthew 4:4,  Deut 8:3)

Through the sense of hearing (mom told me dinner is ready) i believe the food is served. Through the sense of sight, i see the food. Through the sense of taste, I taste it and get nourishment out from it. Similarly,logically or through mental understanding, we see creation everywhere which means there is a Creator. Spiritually, He will help us understand who He is and what nourishment He can bring to us.

This is my prayer to everyone who is reading this:

 "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may KNOW HIM BETTER. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people," 
-Ephesians 1:17-18

He who has ears to hear, let them hear.

Yes God exists my friend, but that knowledge alone is not enough. Wisdom is supreme, therefore get wisdom. (Proverbs 4:7) 
Eat that food alright? ;)

What shall we do then? Well, the question is simply, "Dinner is ready. Are you gonna eat or what?" 

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