Sunday, March 9, 2014

God is not saving the world...

There are a lot of times that i don't want to meditate on the truth.

There are a lot of times that i don't want to hear what God really says because it could be very inconvenient and uncomfortable and scary. I have tried to reject the truth about Hell many times because I don't want, I can't imagine people going to Hell if God really loves us. Then the truth sank deeply in my heart that God Himself does not like that truth as well. So, even though very inconvenient for Him, He stripped off His Majestic robe and became man to carry our sins so that we don't have to be punished of our sins in the judgement day. He is being patient for our sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. (2 Peter 3:9)

He was strong enough to solve the problem of sin, willing enough to face the inconvenience of carrying the weight of the sin of the world into Himself and die for us. He is a God who is stronger than any sin, way more loving than anyone could define love.

Now, one might wonder, why can God just let humans die and face no judgment at all? Like when we die, that's it, like no soul or spirit or anything like that. Like life here in this world is all there is. Why the fuss about Hell and Heaven?

My friend, let me remind you that God created us in His own image. (Genesis 1:27) Of all creatures, it is only us, humans whom God breathed into. (Genesis 2:7) He planted eternity in our human heart (Ecclessiastes 3:11) We are created for eternity. You know it's true. All of us are longing for it. It is no wonder then that EVERYTHING IN THIS LIFE IS JUST LIKE A DREAM IN THE END OF THE DAY. It was not meant to be like that. We were meant to live for so much more. Have we lost ourselves?

"Surely God would not have created such a being as man, with an ability to grasp the infinite, to exist only for a day! No, no, man was made for immortality."- Abraham Lincoln

Now, with all honesty, nobody really likes the thought of Hell. I don't. God doesn't. He is patient for our sake. If keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die. (Galatians 2:21)

Jesus faced the inconvenience with the thought of Hell and He did not back down. He did not compromise with sin. Instead, He took the matters into His own hands and solved it once and for all.

Look at us, humans, we avoid the topic of Hell and quickly judge God that He is evil because Hell exists. Again, it is never His will for anyone to die.

"God is not saving the world, it is done. Our business is to get men and women to realize it."-
Oswald Chambers

Understand that when I speak of Christ,
I do not speak of judgment but of forgiveness.
I do not speak of death but of life.
I do not speak of anger but love.
I do not speak of religion but reconnecting to God Himself.
I do not speak of laws but of grace.
I do not speak of boasting but of humility because I was once under my own thinking, thinking that I was right and so I was proud. Now that I am under Christ's authority, I am humbled because I voluntarily tell myself that I give up. He knows better.

"Where, oh death is your victory, where, oh death is your sting?"- 1 Corinthians 15:5

Praise God. Praise God. Praise God.

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